Time for You to Be a Cravings Ninja

Are you like a trapped hamster, who endlessly spins on a wheel while stuffing your face with licorice, ice cream and chips? Worse still, are you rushing towards depression, cancer and diabetes.

But what’s keeping you trapped? Cravings.

After years of research, I’ve come to the inevitable conclusion that you keep bingeing on dangerous, processed junk foods because you can’t escape your cravings.

To help you, a little over a year ago, I began a weekly series, Cravings-Crushing Monday, to bring you fast, subtle, powerful tools to help you Crush Your Cravings.

As your Cravings Ninja™, I’m here to show you how to achieve Sweet Victory over your powerful cravings for junk foods full of sugar, carbs, fat and salt so you can easily, quickly  ignore temptation, shed pounds, and step into your willpower.

[shareable cite=”Connie Bennett, The Cravings Ninja™”]Cravings Ninja™ = A person who stands strong and easily crushes cravings when tempted by fattening, nutrient-poor, sugary, carb-filled, fatty, salty junk foods. A Cravings Ninja is Calm, Slim, Strong™.[/shareable]

So why am I talking about your need to become a “Cravings Ninja”?

Well, while doing research about cravings (for four-plus years), I realized that to successfully Crush Your Cravings for sugar, carbs, salt or fat, you—and I—need to be like a sneaky, clever, tactical ninja to easily, quickly  ignore temptation, shed pounds, and step into our willpower.

You can learn a lot from ninjas.

  1. Ninjas exceled in Ninjutsu or “the art of stealth”
  2. Ninjas took their training seriously.
  3. Ninjas mastered master self-control.
  4. Ninjas believed in exercise.
  5. Ninjas were in building endurance, agility and strength.
  6. Ninjas were great at gathering intelligence and executing strategic activities.
  7. Ninjas didn’t have a sweet tooth, but they were into eating special, power-filled snacks. (Allegedly, Ninjas loved katayaki or calorie-rich cookies. but they were seeking long-term nutritive sustenance while traveling through woods or fulfilling their duties. You don’t need to eat such sweets.)

Wouldn’t it be cool to master self-control, believe in exercise and be great at executing strategic activities?

For our purposes, it doesn’t really matter if Ninjas always wore black (not true) or if they often dressed as farmers, street performers or monks  And who cares if it’s true that Ninjas may have excelled in assassination or sabotage. (FYI, Ninja history is quite fascinating, even if it’s littered or confused by legends, pop culture  and misinformation.)

So I invite you to be like those mythical warriors. Be a Cravings Ninja so you can discover:

  1. Super-simple, powerful, Ninja Cravings-Crushing tools, which take only a few seconds or a couple of minutes to do so you can honorably wage war against junk foods by simply ignoring them. (What’s awesome is that no one will even know you’re doing this!)
  2. How to sneakily, cleverly tackle the treacherous supermarket or mini-mart without needing anything but knowing how to do some  Ninja Cravings-Crushing tactics.
  3. Fast-working ways to triumph in the dangerous junk-food jungle out there. (Although I can’t teach you invisibility or how to walk on water, which, legend has it, some ninjas did, I can show you some easy tricks to make chips, cookies or candies “invisible” to you.)
  4. How to ignore or hide out from nutrient-poor snacks. (You’ll be like  great ninjas escaping other warriors.)
  5. How to use imaginary swords, daggers, and discs to kill your cravings. (Don’t worry; these are fun, safe, foolproof tactics.)
  6. How to quickly bounce back if do cave into your cravings. (It’s no biggie if you “fall off the wagon.” I’ve got you covered.).
  7. How to become a Cravings Ninja yourself. (That’s why I’m hosting Cravings-Crushing Monday and holding my Crush Your Cravings Virtual Bootcamp. More about that shortly.)

So I invite you to become a Cravings Ninja, too.

  1. First, check back here on my Sugar Shock Blog on Cravings-Crushing Monday.
  2. Invite your friends to become a Cravings Ninja, too. Just share Cravings-Crushing Monday posts with frustrated friends and loved ones, who feel trapped and imprisoned by their cravings.
  3. Make sure also to get your 3 Super-Simple Powerful Ways to Crush Your Cravings in my free Quick-Start Guide.

Join the Conversation: What does being a Cravings Ninja mean to you?